Wow it's hard to believe that BF5 was almost a month ago..all the planning and work that goes into this show( for everyone involved) is over in a blink of an eye. The dust has finally settled a bit and unfortunately for us we need to make a decision on BF6. The site needs a commitment very soon or the dates will be gone and park rented to someone else. We had a great show and if definitely was much bigger than the previous year.. is that good or bad not really sure? We had a lot of growing pains this year and some drama but that's life. We can't please everyone and some don't want it even if we could. I did learn some things this year... The show is not going to work for everyone ( including builders, vendors, sponsors or spectators) & that's ok, we also need to thicken our skin a bit .When you put all your time & effort, you pour your heart and soul into something you love and then people trash you it's a tough pill to swallow...but that's the deal and we get it. We are not looking for sympathy. We also need more help..a lot more. People do not realize it's just myself and Grant that do the show...everything. We have friends and family that volunteer at the show but that's it, the rest is up to us. Lastly if we do the show again we need to get back control of it before it goes in a direction that's not us. Oh.. I also forgot to mention we did not sell the show
..infact it's never been discussed so don't believe the rumors or spread em. If you want to know something just ask us.. I found this flyer from the first that was fun!
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Hi Mike,
I live out in Arkansas where old bikes and cool shows are hard to come by. I remember back in 2009 reading some bike mags and stumbling across an article reviewing the small but cool bike show Born Free held I believe at Circle City or some other small car/bike shop. I wanted to go out to California where it seemed a lot of cool stuff was happening so I went out there for BF2 on the little street outside Pacific Coast Cycles. It was such a mind blowing experience for me seeing all those cool old bikes on that little street and just people that dug cool old bikes and a couple of small vendors that catered and were those same people. And you had free beer, enough for all those in attendance! Also got to check out InknIron and the Veterans stadium swap meet on that same trip, what an awesome time. I've been back every year since. BF3 was probably the best for me, bigger and better, but still kind of the same crowd. Last year and this year it seems like with the success obviously you bring in more people, but it kind of loses some of what made BF2 so cool. Luckily I rode in this year so the big line of cars coming in was no problem for me. I also didn't really mind some of the hassles with getting beer and food, but it seems like Born Free with all the success is losing what made it so cool in the first place. Not sure how it can get back to that, regardless I've got the memories of those first couple of shows. It is amazing that you two guys made all these shows happen. I almost hope you don't have a BF6 so maybe it will shrink back down to what it was in the early days if you ever do it again.
Born Free is on its way to becoming California's version of Sturgis. I think the show should go on, even if it loses some of its cool. There are plenty of smaller shows cropping up for people who miss or want that kind of thing. Take BF and run with it -- enjoy the success of it. You guys deserve this. If someone has a problem or isn't into it, that's ok. Nobody's forcing them to attend or be part of it.
For anyone reading this that loves, hates, or is indifferent about the future of Born-Free. I think we Mike and I have smashed any of our own ideas of the far reaching impact Born-Free has had on people and the old bike/chopper builders of this generation. I couldn't even fathom how many bikes have been built and inspired by the show/bikes at the show/or beyond. How many people have gotten into motorycles because of what they've seen or experienced at Born-Free or even if they haven't been, i'm sure just from magazine and blog/instagram coverage is enough to make someone jump in head first into this world we love so much.
I think that speaks volumes about what has happened and what's been done to keep old bikes alive with both the young and old generations.
For me it's all of that, plus the little bit we change some people's lives. They people that saddle up their old iron and ride from as far away as Canada, the east coast, Midwest, etc, etc and the journey and the experience that comes with that is something they'll never forget. I've never been to Sturgis, but I've heard countless times about the ride to and from are worth going no matter how cool/lame Sturgis is. It can just be about the journey.
But I think Mike and I want to continue to have Born-Free a worthy destination for everyone and I can't see that it's been a bad day to come celebrate motorcycles for the past 5 years.
Yes we need to pull the reins in. Yes we need to make some changes. Yes we'll probably lose people along the way, but the thing about all this is that you'll get every bit out of it that you put in if you are doing it for the right reasons.
If you come to win trophies this might not be the place. If you want to come to be famous, also maybe not the place. If you want to ride you bike in, hang out with like minded people, enjoy all the machines there, make new friends, see old ones, get new ideas, do some shopping, and have a fun time, then Born-Free should be for you.
Plain and simple. Anyway, regardless of what happens I/we thank each and everyone of you that has stuck with us. We obviously have a lot on our plate and we hope that if we do it again that you'll be open to whatever it is we come up with. After all, Mike and I set out to do one thing, put on our dream show each and every year. Luckily most have been just that!
as someone that has been involved with born-free since show #1 and that you probably think tried to trash you.... i think you put on an excellent show. Think the size of this year was bigger than anyone could of imagined, like i said on my blog.... i can't imagine the responsibility of doing this. I voiced my problem, because i feel in the long run it only helps to make things better. in this chopper deal we've all experienced some criticism.... I truthfully feel i experienced an unfair amount in the scene at times... but it only made me stronger. I hope me telling my story didn't hurt anyones feelings too much... it came from the heart and like you work hard on your show, i worked hard on my build and promoted your show this year and every year. though i would prefer a smaller show, i'm not sure how you could pull this off. thanks for including me in the show, sorry there was some tension this year... but we all get wrapped up in our passions and that can sometimes be volatile. respect, max schaaf
Just a little support for you guys from the Netherlands. Haven't been to BF yet, got as far as buying a ticket for a friend in the US so he could win a bike for me (almost), but the pictures, short films and Instagram made it possible to be part of it a little. As far as I can see it is great, some of the best talents around go out of their way to build fantastic bikes, BF being an inspiration for all people fooling around with old motorcycles. If there is a next BF, I will want to be there. If I was a little closer I would offer you guys some help, as I cannot imagine what a job it is to organize such a huge fest. Much respect, don't let what others think bother you, hope you guys will want to go it again next year.
Just a little support for you guys from the Netherlands. Haven't been to BF yet, got as far as buying a ticket for a friend in the US so he could win a bike for me (almost), but the pictures, short films and Instagram made it possible to be part of it a little. As far as I can see it is great, some of the best talents around go out of their way to build fantastic bikes, BF being an inspiration for all people fooling around with old motorcycles. If there is a next BF, I will want to be there. If I was a little closer I would offer you guys some help, as I cannot imagine what a job it is to organize such a huge fest. Much respect, don't let what others think bother you, hope you guys will want to go it again next year.
Many years ago a friend called and invited me to a "Chopper Show". Sounded cool so I jumped on my old bike and we rode to the show. Never have I seen so many cool bikes in one place...Best show I've ever been to! That was Born Free 1. Haven't missed one yet. Already planning on what I'll be riding next year. I always have fun at Born Free (even though I never won the raffle bike). Keep up the great work and Thank you for everything -Aaron
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