My old 47 Pre Unit came with a tenant.I had noticed some small spiderwebs around the carb & seat since I got the bike.I had yanked them off every few days not giving much thought to it. I was joking with Keith from Moores the other night about the spiderwebs and maybe a Black Widow was making them...and would call the bike the Black Widow. I have been pulling the carb on and off for the last few weeks trying to make it run.I went out late Sunday night to get a feel for the handlebars & seat I put on earlier in the day,I sat on the bike grabbed the bars,looked down and there was old red belly! Siting on the nose of the seat right between the legs.My first thought was to burn him with with the old stand by( wd40 & a lighter) but used a can of high pressure cleaner( Thanks Jason) instead.The little guy put up a fight but it was just too much to bare. It does sound like much but when you're out in the garage at midnight in your underwear alone...SCARY!!
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Man, when I was a kid me and my buddies would go out to my grandmaw's shed and go hunting for these bitches. Their webbing is very unique - like frikkin fishing line. The red hour glass is actually the second warning.
Watch out, sometimes you can light them on fire and they will come runing at you like the end of Arachnophobia (1990). Damn red bellies!
I often have encounters with red backs (kind of an Australian version of the black widow) around here. I find using a flaming aerosol can will make them shrivel and using an oxy-torch makes them disappear.
That story makes me want to start wearing undies when I work in the garage.
Undies? Am I the only who thought it was cool to work in my birthday suite? Damn...that explains why no one ever comes over. Never mind the spiders!
feared throughout the land!
Yeesh! We get big spiders here in FL, but at least I haven't seen a widow since TX. But yeah, facing one down in one's skivvies isn't fun.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! I captured one once and put it in a juice bottle and it had a shit ton of babies. I see scorpions in my house here and there and that scares the crap out of me. good thing you didn't get bit
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