Surfing the Net...TV BooB

>>> plagiarizer
A noun
1 plagiarist, plagiarizer, plagiariser, literary pirate, pirate

someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own

I don't think people use that expression anymore but I was doing it and this is what I found ....It looks as though Paul Jr. from American Chopper fame has stolen the image of a bike built by Ian @ Falcon , put it on a Tshirt, wore in in front of millions of people, has claimed it as his own and even put his logo on it. Is there not a law against something like this ?? I know he did not build it because there are no spider webs present.


fiveola said...

Looks like a violation of copyright infringement laws. Falcon guys should sue him. I hear he's got tons of cash.

Thee Cormans said...

There are laws against this stuff. Usually a cease and desist happens. Then if you can really prove it has cost you sales or damages you can sue them for the kizzle. depending who owns the right to the photo Falcon and the photographer could probably run him through the ringer.

Beardy Creep said...

Paulie to douche bag as is themed chopper is to piss flavored slurpee!

mtnsporty said...

Maybe Daddy will yell at him for it on the next episode. Somebody watch and let us know.

Reverend Raymond said...

Ugh, if everybody would just ignore them, they would go away.

Reverend Raymond said...

Ugh, if everybody would just ignore them, they would go away.

David Bond said...

Well you know he didn't build it, the lines flow way to well.

righteous said...

What a fucking toolbox. I'd sue him immediately.

kRussia said...


Mike Davis said...

Yeah WTF is right. You make a shirt with someone elses bike and put your logo on it?? Kill him!! ok just kidding ...sue him!! and give me the money!! or give it to charity whatever you feel more comfortable with.

Sid Fishous said...

American Chopper - Losing Relevance Since 2003

Sid Fishous said...
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ok kyle said...
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ok kyle said...

fuck that. I love that show cuz we all like a good car reck. sue him then kick him in the nuts. fuck occ

Fabio Diniz said...

if you look around, there are to many of those ridiculous bikes just like the ones he build because of this TV show called "american chopper". and now he does something like that!!! what a douche bag!!!.....this guy is full of s.......!
greetings from Brazil

Chris K said...

What a dick.

Copyright violations don't necessarily mean money. Sadly, most of the time, there isn't much you can do other than a cease and desist.

I've seen a few MC blogs putting out T-shirts with lifted images and nobody seems upset.

Old-Bird said...

...and look where PJr put his lame crown logo...right over Ian's license plate...1888881 (California - April)...whew, what a douche!

Sid Fishous said...

Hard to compare putting your logo on a bike, trying to suggest that you built it... and a cartoon bird.

FILLER said...

Mate they are ALL a bunch of retards.Im not at all suprised.Its a bloody pitiful show .Take them for everything you can.Fuck them.
Hey I know why not make ANOTHER bike for some big company....yea how about putting a crank on the back ? Fucking twats.

Dirty Dave said...

Awww... c'mon. Barris has been doing the same stuff for YEARS, and few bitch about it. I bitch, but people continue to believe he actually built all those cars.

Mike Davis said...

The fact that this guy is a current bike builder and is taking credit for someones else's build which he could never do is a little different than a guy using old chopper images to make t shirts. That's just what I think>>>what do I know.

-BaRoN- said...


Help said...

Thats as gay as AIDS!!!!!!

Help said...

Thats as gay as AIDS!!!!!

Chris K said...

Mike, Yes it is worse, it implies it's his design.

Why did he use that photo instead of one of his own ugly bikes?

bobx said...

that takes some balls.
what a dick.

Fabio Diniz said...

My Point Exactly!!! do you want to use a picture of some old chopper to make a t-shirt for you? OK! No problem!!! but DON'T write your name on it as a designer!!!!!!....F#@k!!!!

shakeypete said...

the idiots probably completely unaware of the issue, his people told him to put on this tee for a photoshoot and he said "duh ok" i dont think he's got the brains to understand whats wrong- until someone tells him, slowly and clearly, but even then?

Chris/Blue Collar Moto said...

Just when ya think nothing can suprize ya anymore, in walk the tutles.

I would add that unless Falcon payed the photographer then the guy who took the pic must also be a part of any law suit filed. Intalectual property and all.

hamga said...

He's a looser, give him a break, he wants to be cool. just let him.

Unknown said...

What a wangster!! Talentless little turd. I guess the guy has big balls or? Great press for the FALCOn guys. Sorry it had to be this way.

Unknown said...

How can we get the word out and slam this sucker?

Mike Davis said...

Wow look what I's on multiple blogs,the Jockey Journal & other forums. I guess they even pulled the t shirt off the Paul Jr. website. The power of the internet.Thanks folks for caring

Gofannon said...

The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole.

BEEF said...

If he changed 30% of the graphic:
color, messurements, details, etc... the bastard could be free of charge... Just give m a nice beating!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious that you speak of that with the entire side of your blog filled with stolen images that have born losers mc stamped on them.

Anonymous said...

Funny you said this when your blog has a whole side of stolen images with born losers mc stamped on them.

Mike Davis said...

I appreciate your comment...I think the difference is I am using old images off the web that anyone can access( not for profit) and he has stolen an image of a bike he did not build put his logo on it and was selling them on his website and wearing them on TV..I am sure there are a lot of people who think he built that bike and thats wrong..I don't think if someone sees a picture of Bruce Lee with my logo on think I am Bruce Lee.

Ea$yCo said...

I love it.He doesn't ACTUALLY build bikes...He pays guys like us to ACTUALLY build them behind the scenes to his distasteful specs.He's a fraud and a liar and needs to do like every other LAME in show business..come out with a cologne that will inevitably end up at walmart and silently disappear into the haze that was his foe legacy.
Thats what I loved about jesse james..Before he became a has been he said fuck you fuck you your cool fuck you im out and walked away from it all.