A massive weight has been lifted and the block party permit we have been working on everyday for the last 90 days has finally been granted.The Born Free show is going street fair style with vendors,food and motorcycles everywhere.The city has trusted us to handle this event and give us what is almost impossible to obtain ..so we really want to be respectful and give them no reason for concerns.We are promoting this as a(( family event )).We will have private security as well as Signal Hill's PD's finest to help with crowd control and manning the barricades.They are here just to help and as long as everyone is cool they will be cool.So please come out and enjoy what is looking to be a gathering of the finest people and motorcycles in the land.
Don't the Mountains here in Los Angeles look so beautiful on a clear day...gotta love it!
whoa DIG IT
DAMN...damn, damn...
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